Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Make Pudding Chocolate with Vanilla Sauce Fla

Hasil gambar untuk puding coklat
Do you know how to make pudding chocolate with vanila sauce (fla) ???? πŸ€”

I've tried this recipe at home.  I got this recipe from YouTube, the name of YouTube channel is Chalistaa Kitchen. So today, i want to share to you this recipe, so happy fun cooking my friend 😊

All you need to make Chocolate pudding:
1. 1 pcs Agar-Agar powder (can use Chocolate or natural)
2. 125gr sugar
3. 2tbsp cocoa powder
4.1/2 tsp salt
5. 20gr condensed milk (it's up to you, you can use chocolate or vanilla)
6. 1000ml water
7.50gr Dark chocolate

1. Mix the Sugar and Cocoa Powder, Agar-Agar powder, salt, conseded milk
2. Add the water and cook until boil. Stir constantly.
3. Before you turning off the stove you can give a dark chocolate. Amd stir again
4. Finally, turning off the stove and take that puding in a small cup. Pour 3/4 of the mold height to cool and harden.

All you need to make Vanila source (fla)
1. 1tbsp corn flour
2. 60 gr sugar
3. 1tsp vanili
4. 300ml fresh milk

1. Mix the corn flour, sugar, vanili, and fresh milk. Cook until boiling
2. After boiling, you can turn off the fire.
3. After ripe, cover the pot so that the vla surface does not dry.
4. After vla is cold, mix well
So finally you can put the vla on the cold pudding, and pudding ready to eat. You can put the variant topping on vla, like you can put dark chocolate.

  Thanks for Attetion ☺️

1 comment:

  1. Assalamu'alakum, Almira. good job..I have some suggestions.. reduce the size of your posting page; to make better performance, shorten your posting page by adding "read more", ; add header picture; label each your posting to make easy your visitors find the material needed; make link of file having big size like book, tutorial, etc; and the last one be careful with your language, (dictions and grammatical errors in English posting... ok I wait your more postings
